Saturday, April 16, 2016

Another dog? Yep! Welcome home, K2.

If you know us at all, it should come as no surprise to you that we recently welcomed a new team member and friend into our family. K2 (formerly, Shadow) comes to us from Heartland Husky Rescue. K2 (named after the mountain) is a about 2 and a half years old. He is a very loving boy who is eager to learn and please. We are working on his commands and manners, but he is progressing quickly.

K2 has been on 3 runs with us now. His longest run was 2.3 miles, and he did great. He is learning commands, and is watching the other dogs to see what to do. Prudhoe is really stepping up and being a great leader in harness for K2.

We are excited to see his progress both in harness and as a family member. He sat and stayed on his own for his food for the first time tonight! He is a smart boy and we are grateful to have him.
Oh - his favorite location is the bathtub. So, if you're looking for him you might check there.

What? You think this is weird?

Should we have named him Skunky? Perhaps Pepe le Pew?

Photo sent to us from Heartland Husky Rescue

After his first run (2 miles)